On the 11th of June at 11.00am as 3.00pm and 12th of June at 2.00pm they will be performing the Jungle Book here at Sheppy's Cider.
The Chameleon Theatre Company, based in the Wellington/Taunton area, are well into rehearsals for their second show - The Jungle Book. This is a family show aimed at all ages packed with comedy and songs, and with some audience participation. Come along and meet some of your favourite characters.
Their first show, The Three Musketeers, was kindly hosted by Sheppy's last year. For those that attended they may remember the storms which meant the show started a day late but once the show got going, they received splendid reviews.
This year, future dates have been lined up at an indoor venue, Oake Village Hall, in case weather interferes once again, or for those who would prefer to view the show indoors. The dates for these are the weekend of 13th/14 th August with both 2pm and 7pm shows both days. This means that tickets can be bought with confidence for the open-air performances at Sheppy's as these tickets will be transferable to Oake if weather stops play. Audience members are reminded that for open-air performances low back-seating or picnic blankets are essential. Tickets for The Jungle Book are priced at £10 for adults and £7 for all concessions.
For tickets the contact details are:- chameleontc@hotmail.com and details will be provided for payment via BACS (or other means if internet banking not possible). All other details will be provided by the Chameleon Theatre Company. However, luxury picnics can be provided by Sheppy's but advance booking is needed.